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Motor Patrol

The Midian Motor Patrol was initially established in 1962.  When the unit began, the unit’s, members owned Honda Dream motorcycles which they paraded in all the parades.  It was not until 1973 that the Motor Patrol changed over their vehicles to the 1948, 1949, and 1950 Willy’s Jeepsters which are paraded today. The purpose of the Motor Patrol is to carry the Midian Shrine Divan, (Leaders), in the parades to provide positive visibility to the public.

The Motor Patrol has been for many years been recognized as  the top fundraiser for Midian Shrine.  Motor Patrol supported Circus for many years when it was our major means of raising funds. Now that Circus no longer exists, the Shriner’s Sportsman Event is the primary focus. Many of the members of Motor Patrol are among the top individually recognized revenue generators each year at the Awards Ceremony.  Many of the members of Motor Patrol have been directly involved in the continued success of the Midian Shrine through their leadership.  Several have been on the Divan over the years, with some even being Potentate. (The top Executive officer.)

The Motor Patrol is primarily an organization centered around its fraternal members.  The regular dues for an active member for a year are $150.00.  The dues for a Veteran, which  is a member that has been active for at least 5 years, is $50.00.  Active members must participate in at least 50% of all scheduled activities for the year and are required to own a Jeepster. The meetings each month are held at local restaurants on the first Wednesday of each month.  Only the members are to attend the meetings, unless by special invitation, whereas a non-member may attend.

The Ladies of the Motor Patrol members support their Nobles  in their activities but are not actively involved in the Unit. There are specially scheduled events during the year where the Ladies are a special part of the activity.  Examples of such events are the Spring and Fall Bashes, the Ceremonials, the Potentates’ Ball, and the Christmas Party. The Motor Patrol being a parade unit always enjoys the company of their Ladies when their desire is to attend, and there is usually a great hospitality to enjoy afterward.

Midian Motor Patrol “A Membership of Fun and Purpose”

Motor Patrol
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